Thoughts and reflections from the Diocese of Colorado's deputation to the General Convention of The Episcopal Church.
Friday, July 13, 2012
ENS Convention Wrap-Up
For an excellent wrap-up of the 77th General Convention (GC) of The Episcopal Church, I commend the Episcopal News Service article entitled "Convention wrap-up: Re-envisioning church for the 21st century" to you. It highlights the actions of GC with numerous links to other articles and actual resolutions for more in depth information.
Reflections After the Close of General Convention
I still have several more posts to make about General Convention at this site and some opinion pieces on specific legislation to post on my personal blog at So, stay tuned. ~ from Lelanda Lee, Lay Deputy 3
General Convention (GC) may be officially over with the closing gavel going down in the late afternoon of July 12th, but the work is just beginning in this 2012-2015 triennium. I continue for another three years as the Lay Representative from Province VI to Executive Council (the interim governing body and board of directors of The Episcopal Church during the three years when GC is not in session).
I will be joined by the Rev. John Floberg of North Dakota, who was elected as the provincial clergy rep at our Province VI Synod in Omaha in April. We covet your prayers for the work of Executive Council, the welfare of The Episcopal Church, the Dioceses of Colorado and North Dakota, and our spiritual, mental, and physical well-being as we strive to serve you faithfully, with generous and open hearts.
4th of July fireworks over baseball stadium, Victory Field |
There were fireworks, but they were the 4th of July variety, on the day before the first legislative day of GC. Even though we call it an 8-day GC, it really is ten days if you count the day of orientation for legislative committee chairs, vice chairs, secretaries, and aides, and the first day of legislative committee meetings, both of which precede GC's "official" start.
For the most part, what I saw of GC, which was mostly the action in the House of Deputies (HoD), the proceedings of Legislative Committee 18-Ecumenical Relations (to which I was assigned as vice chair), a couple of evening hearings for other legislative committees, some caucus meetings, and a quick couple of turns through the Exhibit Hall, this 77th GC was civil, welcoming, and mutually respectful.
There were a few instances of barbed comments from HoD microphones during debate, when deputies challenged the words and characterizations of contexts spoken by other deputies, but they did not typically rise to the level of ad hominem attacks. There was a widely reported point of personal privilege that Bishop Gene Robinson raised in the House of Bishops (HoB), in which he reported personal attacks on his character behind the scenes of the HoB.
The South Carolina deputation made a pointed statement about some key pieces of legislation passed by GC when five of their seven deputies left the floor of the HoD. Their bishop raised a point of personal privilege in the HoB, and South Carolina released statements. The Episcopal News Service (ENS) article may be found here, and The Diocese of South Carolina's Facebook page contains its statement in full. That statement indicates: "He [South Carolina's Bishop Mark Lawrence] also expressed his 'grievous concern' with changes to the canons through resolutions D002 and D019, which have to do with transgender identity and expression, as well as with resolution A049, which authorized a provisional rite for the Blessing of Same-Sex Unions."
Participation and Testifying
Five of Colorado's deputies spent time at the microphones, with Deputy Zoe Cole rising in the ranks of the players in Bonnie Ball and Deputy and Co-Chair Andrew Cooley making a last session effort to gain Bonnie Ball points. The ENS article Game Over: Bonnie Ball Closes Out Inaugural One-Game Season and Episcopal Cafe's Some fun at General Convention report on both Bonnie Ball and Bingo, which interjected community-wide fun into GC and invited all, including the Official Youth Presence and visitors to join in.
From the Colorado deputation, several of our deputies gave testimony at the microphones.
Deputy Zoe Cole, a lawyer, testified on both substance and rules of order, as one of the canon geeks of the GC. Deputy Larry Hitt, also a lawyer and Colorado's chancellor, is another one of those canon geeks. GC and the Diocese would be poorer without their knowledge of our constitution and canons and their ability to interpret and articulate them for us. Zoe served as secretary of Legislative Committee 5-Canons at this GC and was kept busy into the last legislative session with secretarial paperwork to file the actions of her committee. Incidentally, Bishop Rob O'Neill was the bishop chair of the Canons legislative committee.
Senior Deputy Andrew Cooley sat in the first row and coordinated our deputation's votes by order, which came up on all canonical matters and frequently by request. Voting by order allows the official record to reflect how the clergy and lay order of each deputation voted on specific resolutions. In addition to the information of how deputations voted, voting by order is sometimes used as a legislative strategy. Andrew's leadership role on the C056-Same Sex Blessings Task Group informed his testimony. Also, as a senior deputy with broad experience of the wider church and his membership on Legislative Committee 1-Dispatch of Business, Andrew had a wealth of information and understanding of numerous pieces of legislation.
Deputy Lelanda Lee testified several times, referencing the work done by Executive Council in a couple of instances. Lelanda's testimony on Resolution B005-Ongoing Commitment to the Anglican Covenant Process can be found at her blog. Since Lelanda's term on Executive Council extends until the end of the 78th GC in 2015, many deputies lobbied her during GC, asking her to carry their concerns about pieces and nuances of legislation that didn't make it to the HoD floor.
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Deputy Brooks Keith testifying on the last day of GC, in the last legislative session of the HoD. |
First-time Deputy Ruth Woodliff-Stanley gave her first testimony in the HoD at this GC on an important social justice issue, reflecting her leadership in her parish church where the Gospel gets lived into in a variety of peace and justice initiatives. Ruth has many friends from her previous Diocese of Mississippi with whom she spent time in addition to being with our deputation. Ruth's recent walk-about experience in the Diocese of Pittsburgh as one of their bishop nominees and her many consultations as a church consultant meant that many deputies know her. Ruth has served as the deputation's chaplain in 2006 and 2003, and she followed Legislative Committee 5-Structure, reporting to the deputation's daily caucus.
Deputy Brooks Keith finally got his chance at the microphone in the last legislative session. Brooks had stood in line before, but time ran out for testimony before he was called on. It's especially frustrating when you have something of substance that is both relevant and perhaps even timely to offer, and you're shut out by the clock running out. This happened to Lelanda when she tried to offer testimony which would have saved a piece of legislation from her legislative committee being referred back to committee, because she knew the answers that her chair couldn't access while at the podium. Too bad we didn't take a photo of Lelanda practically jumping up and down with both her red and green cards waving in the air! (To help the President of the HoD from her view of the entire floor from the dais, deputies are often asked to hold up green cards to signify a Yes vote or agreement with the motion and red cards to signify No or opposition to the motion.)
Deputies Jack Finlaw and Larry Hitt had also been active in the leadership of the C056-Same Sex Blessings Task Group along with Andrew. Jack served on the sub-committee on Pastoral and Teaching Responses, Larry on Canonical and Legal Considerations, and Andrew on Liturgical Resources. Their insights helped the deputation follow C056 through the legislative process knowledgeably. Jack served on Legislative Committee 14-Ministry, after having served on the Standing Commission on Ministry Development. Larry served on Legislative Committee 4-Constitution and had been on the Board of the Archives of The Episcopal Church, to which he was reappointed for another 6-year term at this GC.
Alternate Janet Farmer was kept busy throughout GC in her capacity as Aide to Legislative Committee 13-Prayer Book, Liturgy, and Church Music, which handled 36 pieces of legislation, including Resolution A049-Authorize Liturgical Resources for Same Sex Blessings. Janet recently moved from Galveston, TX, and is a transplant from Province IV, and she also spent time visiting with her friends from other dioceses. The Legislative Aides do the running to and from the committee to the Secretariats of each house and the GC Secretariat, and they share responsibility with the committee secretaries and liaisons to the Legislative Committee 1-Dispatch of Business for ensuring that the resolutions follow their proper paths in sequence, with the current language, in order to reach the floors of both houses to be acted upon. It takes a lot of dedicated, knowledgeable people to make GC work effectively, and aides and secretaries are equally as important as chairs and vice chairs.
Structure and Budget
On the left, Deputy Christy Shain-Hendricks in conversation with Deputy Zoe Cole. That's Deputy Larry Cole in the white shirt. |
The Joint Standing Commission on Program, Budget, and Finance and Legislative Committee 25-Program, Budget, and Finance were both led by the very capable, hard-working, and patient Deputy Diane Pollard and Bishop Steve Lane. Their committee's final budget, prepared on the template of the proposed budget of the Presiding Bishop and populated by dollars reflecting the formal and informal testimony of the entire church and GC over many months resulted in Resolution A005-Adoption of the Budget, which passed in both houses. [See ENS article Convention Approves Triennial Budget for more details and a link to the budget here.] As a member of Executive Council, I can say without reservation that this is a budget that the church can work with.
I'll post more as soon as I catch up with life at home, probably in the next day or two. ~ Lelanda
General Convention Enters the Digital Age
One observation about this General Convention is that the event has entered the technological age …mostly. Broad adoption of new technologies were evident in many places – deputies offering amendments or speaking before and against resolutions spoke not from notes on paper, but from iPads. While paper is still in evidence, and deputies and bishops are still toting large three-ring binders, just as many are pulling up resolutions on iPads, cell phones and other electronic reading devices.
You could follow all of the Convention’s actions – down to high points from sermons – on Twitter. Walking down the hall in the Convention Center, visitors could photograph large QR codes with their smart phones, and access short films about Episcopalians.
There are some logistical issues. While up-to-date legislative materials are all available online, there is very limited internet access in the legislative halls. All the legislative sessions and worship services were available streaming online, but the feeds did go down occasionally, especially on the last few days.
Of particular note, the General Convention became a Twitter event. There were many people live-tweeting events in both legislative houses, and some of the movements of General Convention actually became Trending Topics on Twitter, meaning that Tweets that contained General Convention tags (#gc77, for instance) were showing up more than other tags on Twitter at particular times. The significant Twitter traffic did make it possible to sit, say, in the House of Deputies, and also follow the action in the House of Bishops in real time.
The Convention also took concrete actions to bring the whole Church into the digital age. Two pieces of legislation – the Website Challenge and the Social Media challenge – passed both houses without much opposition. The Website Challenge states that online resources provided by the Standing Commission on Communications and Information Technology will empower every congregation with the tools and knowledge to build an effective, dynamic and current website, no matter their size or budget. The Social Media Challenge challenges every congregation in the Church to engage with social media.
So, the reality and the recognition of the role technology can play in our governance, our ministry and our ongoing conversation is here, and will carry us into the next General Convention in Salt Lake City, by which time, surely the tools and technology will have changed and evolved.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Hear From Members of the Deputation
Erica Hein - Lay Alternate
Erica Hein july9 from Beckett Stokes on Vimeo.
The Rev. Ruth Woodliff-Stanley, Clergy Deputyruth woodliff-stanley july9 from Beckett Stokes on Vimeo.
Jack Finlaw, Lay Deputyjack finlaw july9 from Beckett Stokes on Vimeo.
GC: July 8th & 9th
Okay, Colorado. I'll try to catch you up on some of the happenings here at General Convention (GC). Also, see my personal blog at, where I am posting opinion pieces.
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Larry Hitt |
GOOD NEWS - Lay Deputy Larry Hitt was reappointed to the Board of the Archives for another 6-year term. The Archives are an important resource to GC. The Archives staff provide background reports on GC resolutions to aid the deputies in their consideration of legislation.
Lelanda Lee |
Lay Deputy Lelanda Lee, was nominated as one of two lay deputies from Province VI to stand for election in the House of Deputies for the Joint Nominating Committee for Election of the Presiding Bishop. This particular iteration of the Joint Nominating Committee will actually participate in the search and vetting process for the next Presiding Bishop. Lelanda felt uniquely qualified at this juncture because of her experience on Executive Council and working relationships with a large number of bishops across the church gained through her anti-racism training and other churchwide service.
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Kevin Lindahl |
BAD NEWS - Two-time Church Pension Group (CPG) Nominee Kevin Lindahl, St. Barnabas, Denver, was not elected. The Colorado Deputation believes that this is a real loss for the CPG, because Kevin was one of the most qualified nominees. However, elected office at the churchwide level is highly political, and both name recognition and affiliation with other churchwide groups carry a lot of weight. We are thankful for Kevin's willingness to offer himself and his gifts to the wider church and grateful for Kevin's service on the Colorado Episcopal Foundation's board of trustees.
PARTICIPATION BY THE ENTIRE DEPUTATION - An ethos of the Colorado Deputation is to ensure that all alternates also have some floor time in the House of Deputies. Alternates this GC include Max Bailey, A1 in the Clergy Order, and Erica Hein, L1, and Janet Farmer, L2, in the Lay Order. All three have spent time on the floor, with Max doing extra duty as the only clergy alternate. This experience is invaluable to the entire deputation, because floor time heightens awareness of the flow and debate of legislation and places into context what has already transpired in the legislative committees and hearings where the resolutions are perfected and debated prior to coming to the floor of the house. Things happen fast on the floor, and even experienced deputies find themselves occasionally having to ask someone next to them where they are in the proceedings. This typically happens when a deputy has gotten up to speak to a resolution, is writing an amendment, or is strategizing with another deputy on an upcoming resolution.
In this GC, three of our deputation have leadership roles on legislative committees. Lelanda Lee is vice chair of Committee 18-Ecumenical Relations. Zoe Cole is secretary of Committee 5-Canons. Janet Farmer is legislative aide to Committee 13-Prayer Book, Liturgy and Music. Andrew Cooley serves on Committee 1-HoD-Dispatch of Business. These four deputation members are particularly busy, because their roles involve paying attention to the status and flow of the resolutions passing through their committees. Lelanda and Zoe are also involved in perfecting resolutions, which means extra sub-committee times spent conversing and writing with other committee members to get resolutions into a form that will be likely to win support on the floors of both the house of initial action, either the House of Deputies or House of Bishops, and the concurring house.
Each of our deputation members who is not assigned to a legislative committee has committed to following certain topics on behalf of the deputation. Ruth Woodliff-Stanley and Christy Shain-Hendricks have reported on Structure discussions. Brooks Keith has been following the Program, Budget and Finance hearings on priorities, funding, and spending. Erica Hein has attended hearings on Same Gender Blessings. We care about how and when the Denominational Health Plan will be implemented, because some of our Colorado congregations are severely adversely impacted with an immediate implementation, and a breathing space would be helpful. We want continued emphasis on Anti-Racism Training in the church. We want a strong commitment to Lifelong Christian Formation with emphasis on youth, young adult, and campus ministry. We want technology to inform and serve our needs for sharing information and resources on a timely basis and at low cost. We care that the church center offices have updated email software that ensures our emails are received.
Victory Field |
WE COMBINE FUN WITH BUSINESS! - On Sunday, July 8th, everyone at GC had a day of respite. There were no legislative committee meetings on the official schedule, although some committees did meet of their own choosing. The festive United Thank Offering Ingathering and Eucharist was held in the morning.
Next came an outdoors event hosted by the Diocese of Indianapolis at Victory Field, the baseball park directly across from the Convention Center and our hotel, the JW Marriott. Among the featured guests were Sudanese church members, and support was urged for the Sudan Peace, Security and Accountability Act of 2012 (H.R. 4169), calling for a comprehensive strategy to end human rights violations in Sudan.
We had an exceptionally well attended Provincial Caucus at the JW Marriott where we elected the nominees for the Joint Nominating Board for Presiding Bishop. Then province members walked about a mile to the upper room of a local restaurant for hors d'oeuvres and drinks.
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Winter Count of Jesus' Life, ink on buffalo hide. Thanks to Terry Star for posting this photo on his Facebook wall. |
The exhibition hall features opportunities to learn about other ministries in the church and to pick up that book, vestment, or handcrafted item that you've had your eye on. The Episcopal Church's Diversity, Social, and Environmental Ministries' booth featured the Winter Count of Jesus' Life rendered in ink on a buffalo hide.
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As you entered the Altar Guild's ecclesiastical art exhibit. |
Artwork by church artists was available to excite our senses and soothe our souls in several venues. The National Altar Guild held an exhibition of ecclesiastical art in a separate room that was definitely worth a visit. I especially liked the many pieces of vestments and altar cloths that were combinations of quilted, dyed, painted, and sewn pieces. See here for a slide show.
I hope to post at least one more time while I'm at General Convention. I'm going to leave a recap of the legislation passed until after I get home from GC. There is a lot to report, but not enough time while here and still in the middle of business to stop to recap what has been passed and the impact on Colorado.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
GC: July 6th & 7th
Hello, Everyone! Here are some quick photos with captions from General Convention (GC). When there's some time, I'll post some more commentary here. Meanwhile, you can also catch me at my personal blog at where I have posted "Early Impressions" of GC!
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The decoration on top of our deputation's name post - ski goggles and pole - was provided by Co-Chair Andrew Cooley and reflects his and Colorado's fondness for the sport of skiing. |
Deputy Brooks Keith's sense of humor and whimsy show up in the super hero (and villain?) figures decorating his spot. |
Microphone #5 is right next to the Colorado Deputation's seats. A page is walking up to the mic volunteer, and the alternates' gallery is to our right, behind those blue dividers. |
Caucus meetings alternate between 6:30 AM breakfasts and mid-day lunches. Staff and other Colorado volunteers join us. |
A view of the other side of the breakfast room. |
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Morning Prayer on July 7
Lay Deputy Jack Finlaw led those gatherednat the Diocese of Colorado's breakfast caucus in morning prayer, using an order of service that is part
of a set of Liturgical Materials Honoring God and Creation designed by
the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music. These prayers are
available on pages 445 and 446 of the Blue Book, which you can download
from the General Convention website.
Holy God, you are always with us.
Open our eyes to your presence.
Discernment Prime (Traditional hour: morning/start of the day)
As we begin the day, we focus on our calling to live faithfully, for who knows what today holds?
Opening Holy God, you are always with us.
Open our eyes to your presence.
Open our eyes to your presence.
God of faithful surprises, throughout the ages you have made known your love and power in unexpected ways and places: May we daily perceive the joy and wonder of your abiding presence and offer our lives in gratitude for our redemption. Amen.
God of faithful surprises, throughout the ages you have made known your love and power in unexpected ways and places: May we daily perceive the joy and wonder of your abiding presence and offer our lives in gratitude for our redemption. Amen.
Benedicite Omnia Opera All you works of God, bless your creator;
praise her and glorify her for ever.
Let the wide earth bless the creator; let the arching heavens bless the creator; let the whole body of God bless the creator;
praise her and glorify her for ever.
You returning daylight, bless your creator; twilight and shadows, bless your creator; embracing darkness, bless your creator;
praise her and glorify her for ever.
Let all who live and grow and breathe bless our creator,
praise her and glorify her for ever. Janet Morley
Benedicite Omnia Opera All you works of God, bless your creator;
praise her and glorify her for ever.
Let the wide earth bless the creator; let the arching heavens bless the creator; let the whole body of God bless the creator;
praise her and glorify her for ever.
You returning daylight, bless your creator; twilight and shadows, bless your creator; embracing darkness, bless your creator;
praise her and glorify her for ever.
Let all who live and grow and breathe bless our creator,
praise her and glorify her for ever. Janet Morley
Scripture I am the vine, you are
the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit
because, apart from me, they can do nothing. You did not choose me, but I
chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will
last. John 15:5, 16a
Meditation People say that walking on water is a miracle, but to me, walking peacefully on the earth is the real miracle. --Thich Nhat Hanh108
How will we walk in peace today?
How will we walk in peace today?
We believe in God, the creator of all life
and beauty, who blesses our journey. We believe in Jesus Christ, who
lived as a friend and savior to all he met as he traveled, and who ate
and laughed, wept and celebrated with them in love. We believe in the
Holy Spirit, who rides on the gentle breeze, who strengthens our
bindings, and who offers hope eternal.
We believe in the church, which stands open to all travelers, and bears witness to the everlasting love of God.
As we turn to the tasks before us this day,
Fill us, gracious Lord.
In making faithful choices, great and small,
Guide us, gracious Lord.
As we seek to notice and serve those in need,
Teach us, gracious Lord.
Here, the people may add particular intercessions or thanksgivings.
As we offer our lives to you,
Hear us, gracious Lord.
With our hearts ready to serve,
Accompany us, gracious Lord.
As we turn to the tasks before us this day,
Fill us, gracious Lord.
In making faithful choices, great and small,
Guide us, gracious Lord.
As we seek to notice and serve those in need,
Teach us, gracious Lord.
Here, the people may add particular intercessions or thanksgivings.
As we offer our lives to you,
Hear us, gracious Lord.
With our hearts ready to serve,
Accompany us, gracious Lord.
Lord’s Prayer
Generous Giver, you pour forth your extravagant bounty without measure upon your whole creation: Teach us such generosity, that the fruits of our spirits and the works of our hands may build your commonwealth of blessing. Amen.
Going Out Generous Giver, you pour forth your extravagant bounty without measure upon your whole creation: Teach us such generosity, that the fruits of our spirits and the works of our hands may build your commonwealth of blessing. Amen.
Holy God, you are always with us.
Open our eyes to your presence.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Prayers for July 6 From Around the Anglican Communion
In gratitude for our sister churches in the Anglican Communion, Larry Hitt offered four prayers from other provinces around the Anglican Communion which focus on their general synods or provincial gatherings. He adapted the prayers to refer to General Convention.
From the Church of Ireland Book of Common Prayer (2004)
Lord God, the Father of lights and the Fountain of all wisdom, who hast
promised, through thy Son Jesus Christ, to be with thy universal Church
to the end of the world; We humbly beseech thee with thy favour to
behold the Bishops, Clergy, and People, who are about to assemble and
take counsel together [or, who are now assembled and taking counsel
together] in thy Name, for this Church. Mercifully grant that thy Holy
Spirit may rest upon them, enlighten, and guide them; and that all their
consultations may be prospered to the advancement of thy honour and
glory, and the welfare of thy Church. Lead them and us into all truth; that
so this Church may evermore hold fast and abide in the Apostolic and true
Catholic faith, and serve thee without fear in pureness of worship and life,
according to thy holy will; through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen
From the Supplement to the Prayer Book of the Church of India (1960)
The Collect
OLORD God, the Father of lights and fountain of all wisdom, who in the days of the Apostles didst send thy Holy Spirit to direct the first Council of thy Church in Jerusalem: Look mercifully upon us, and so bless the Bishop and assessors assembled in Synod, that through their deliberations thy Church may be preserved in the true faith, and in godly discipline; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
GUIDE, we beseech thee, Almighty God, with the light of thy Holy Spirit, our Bishop(s), Clergy, and Laity, in the Diocesan Council (or, General Council), that they may wisely consult together for the good of thy Church and the glory of thy name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
From the Prayer Book of Church of Anglican Church of Canada (1962)
7. For General, Provincial, or Diocesan Synods.
ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who by thy Holy Spirit didst preside in the Council of the blessed Apostles, and hast promised, through thy Son Jesus Christ, to be with thy Church to the end of the world: We beseech thee to be present with the General Synod [or the Synod of this Province, or the Synod of this Diocese] now [or about to be] assembled in thy Name. Save its members from all error, ignorance, pride, and prejudice; and of thy great mercy vouchsafe so to direct, govern, and sanctify them in their deliberations by thy Holy Spirit, that through thy blessing the Gospel of Christ may be faithfully preached and obeyed, the order and discipline of thy Church maintained, and the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour enlarged and extended. Grant this, we beseech thee, through the merits and mediation of the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
From the Church of Ireland Book of Common Prayer (2004)
Lord God, the Father of lights and the Fountain of all wisdom, who hast
promised, through thy Son Jesus Christ, to be with thy universal Church
to the end of the world; We humbly beseech thee with thy favour to
behold the Bishops, Clergy, and People, who are about to assemble and
take counsel together [or, who are now assembled and taking counsel
together] in thy Name, for this Church. Mercifully grant that thy Holy
Spirit may rest upon them, enlighten, and guide them; and that all their
consultations may be prospered to the advancement of thy honour and
glory, and the welfare of thy Church. Lead them and us into all truth; that
so this Church may evermore hold fast and abide in the Apostolic and true
Catholic faith, and serve thee without fear in pureness of worship and life,
according to thy holy will; through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen
From the Supplement to the Prayer Book of the Church of India (1960)
The Collect
OLORD God, the Father of lights and fountain of all wisdom, who in the days of the Apostles didst send thy Holy Spirit to direct the first Council of thy Church in Jerusalem: Look mercifully upon us, and so bless the Bishop and assessors assembled in Synod, that through their deliberations thy Church may be preserved in the true faith, and in godly discipline; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
GUIDE, we beseech thee, Almighty God, with the light of thy Holy Spirit, our Bishop(s), Clergy, and Laity, in the Diocesan Council (or, General Council), that they may wisely consult together for the good of thy Church and the glory of thy name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
From the Prayer Book of Church of Anglican Church of Canada (1962)
7. For General, Provincial, or Diocesan Synods.
ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, who by thy Holy Spirit didst preside in the Council of the blessed Apostles, and hast promised, through thy Son Jesus Christ, to be with thy Church to the end of the world: We beseech thee to be present with the General Synod [or the Synod of this Province, or the Synod of this Diocese] now [or about to be] assembled in thy Name. Save its members from all error, ignorance, pride, and prejudice; and of thy great mercy vouchsafe so to direct, govern, and sanctify them in their deliberations by thy Holy Spirit, that through thy blessing the Gospel of Christ may be faithfully preached and obeyed, the order and discipline of thy Church maintained, and the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour enlarged and extended. Grant this, we beseech thee, through the merits and mediation of the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Links to Material From July 4 & 5
You can find great coverage of everything that is happening at General Convention on the Episcopal News Service website, and the General Convention Media Hub (where you can also follow legislative sessions and worship services in real time).
Following are links to stories that will allow you to follow the action:
Diocese of Colorado's Daily Update
Episcopal News Service's coverage of day one in the House of Deputies
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori's Sermon at the Opening Eucharist
Opening Remarks from Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori
Opening Remarks from President of the House of Deputies, Bonnie Anderson
Following are links to stories that will allow you to follow the action:
Diocese of Colorado's Daily Update
Episcopal News Service's coverage of day one in the House of Deputies
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori's Sermon at the Opening Eucharist
Opening Remarks from Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori
Opening Remarks from President of the House of Deputies, Bonnie Anderson
GC: July 4th and 5th
Legislative Committees held two meetings on July 4th, one day before the "official" start of General Convention, which is marked by the beginning of legislative sessions. The committees met from 8:00-12:00 in the morning and again from 5:00-7:00 in the afternoon. Some ambitious committees and those with large numbers of resolutions scheduled hearings as early as the afternoon session. All pieces of legislation must receive a public hearing that is required to be announced at least four hours in advance by posting to the announcement board near the Secretariat offices of both houses (House of Deputies and House of Bishops).
Also as well organized in getting their speakers onto the list to testify were those who spoke on behalf of increasing funding for Native American ministries, especially in underserved and under-resourced areas like Alaska and Navajoland. A quick review of the A-resolutions from Committees, Commissions, Agencies and Boards of The Episcopal Church that are contained in the "Blue Book" reveals many resolutions in support of youth, young adult and campus, and Indigenous ministries.
And what would July 4th be without fireworks? The Colorado deputation went to the ballgame at Victory Field, across the street from both the Convention Center and the JW Marriott where we are staying. President of the House of Deputies, Bonnie Anderson, organized sections of tickets to be sold to Episcopalians. I took these photos from the street after dinner, when I was walking to my last meeting of the day at 10:00 PM, which is not unusual for special interest group caucus meetings.
I was at a dinner for the ecumenical guests of The Episcopal Church earlier in the evening. I serve as Co-Chair of Legislative Committee 18 - Ecumenical Relations. Many of the ecumenical guests attended my committee's afternoon meeting in order to observe our proceedings. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's (ELCA) presiding bishop, the Rt. Rev. Mark Hanson, came to speak with us on testifying to a piece of legislation about the continuing dialogue between the ELCA and The Episcopal Church, which was scheduled for the next morning and afternoon legislative committee sessions. Bishop Hanson's testimony influenced the committee to appoint a subcommittee to write a substitute resolution with more felicitous language that would serve the purpose of encouraging ongoing dialogue between our two churches on important areas such as the diaconate and lay presidency where our churches' practices differ.
I have had the privilege of serving as the Executive Council's liaison to the ELCA's Church Council, which has afforded me the opportunity to observe their council's proceedings and to learn about their church's concerns. I have also in those meetings been able to meet leaders from the Reformed Church in America, the United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church, and the Southern Province of the Moravian Church. What has been unique for us is that I am a lay representative serving among primarily ordained representatives.
At 12:30-1:30, Program, Budget and Finance held its first hearing on Priorities, which was a standing room only, or sit-on-the floor only, event. There were a large number of young adults from the Official Youth Presence as well as campus ministers who signed up to speak on behalf of funding for youth, young adult and campus ministries, as well as many who spoke in favor of continuing funding for Lifelong Christian Formation.
View of the Program, Budget & Finance hearing as people were still streaming in. |
Another view of the Program, Budget & Finance hearing. |
And what would July 4th be without fireworks? The Colorado deputation went to the ballgame at Victory Field, across the street from both the Convention Center and the JW Marriott where we are staying. President of the House of Deputies, Bonnie Anderson, organized sections of tickets to be sold to Episcopalians. I took these photos from the street after dinner, when I was walking to my last meeting of the day at 10:00 PM, which is not unusual for special interest group caucus meetings.
I was at a dinner for the ecumenical guests of The Episcopal Church earlier in the evening. I serve as Co-Chair of Legislative Committee 18 - Ecumenical Relations. Many of the ecumenical guests attended my committee's afternoon meeting in order to observe our proceedings. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's (ELCA) presiding bishop, the Rt. Rev. Mark Hanson, came to speak with us on testifying to a piece of legislation about the continuing dialogue between the ELCA and The Episcopal Church, which was scheduled for the next morning and afternoon legislative committee sessions. Bishop Hanson's testimony influenced the committee to appoint a subcommittee to write a substitute resolution with more felicitous language that would serve the purpose of encouraging ongoing dialogue between our two churches on important areas such as the diaconate and lay presidency where our churches' practices differ.
I have had the privilege of serving as the Executive Council's liaison to the ELCA's Church Council, which has afforded me the opportunity to observe their council's proceedings and to learn about their church's concerns. I have also in those meetings been able to meet leaders from the Reformed Church in America, the United Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church, and the Southern Province of the Moravian Church. What has been unique for us is that I am a lay representative serving among primarily ordained representatives.
House of Deputies President, Canon Bonnie Anderson, addressing both Houses. |
A fuller view of the front of the House of Deputies |
Secretary of the General Convention, the sartorially splendid Rev. Dr. Gregory Straub, who sits with the House of Deputies. |
This is the Leader Resources booth from a food court view. |
Thursday, July 5, 2012
A Chaos of Uncalculating Love
A prayer by L. Zoe Cole for the Colorado Deputation, July 5
Each day, the Colorado deputation gathers for prayer and discussion. One of the deputies serves as chaplain for the day and offers a reflection. We will post them each day.
Each day, the Colorado deputation gathers for prayer and discussion. One of the deputies serves as chaplain for the day and offers a reflection. We will post them each day.
We are living in a changing day, Lord;
all the old rules and regulations for living
are slithering to the ground.
And You lived in a changing day, Lord:
all the old rules and regulations of the scribes and
were slithering to the ground.
But it was Your custom to go to the temple:
to the noisome temple
sometime to the scandalized temple
listening to the mumbo jumbo,
but it was Your custom to go
till the new temple of Your body was available for men.
Give us your grace in our changing day
To stand by the temple that is the present church.
The noisome temple
the sometime scandalized temple
that is the present church,
listening sometime to what again seems mumbo jumbo.
Make it our custom to go
till the new outline of Your Body for our day
becomes visible in our midst.
In the temple You healed, Lord Christ:
despite the noise and scandal, You healed.
And we are Your body even today.
You have no hands but our hands
no feet but our feet
ours are the eyes with which You look out
compassionate on the world.
You have ordained that You just don’t come
except through us.
Give us faith in great healings
despite the noise and scandal of our modern dimness.
Your grace and power are such:
none can ever ask too much.
Heal again, even through us,
for so You have ordained:
till the new outline of Your body
becomes visible in our midst.
In the temple You threw out the money changers, Lord
down the steps and out of the door –
and into the vacant
aisles came the children
shouting for joy and dancing round.
Too often we are the money changers:
giving short change in spiritual things
to many who seek the true coin:
making the Church an institute
when you want it to be a chaos of uncalculating love.
Drive out from out hearts
our calculated offerings,
our easy responses,
and let child-like faith
flood into us again.
Grant us such abandon, of Your grace alone,
that we too shall be made strong
to go outside the city wall
outside holiness
and die in the bloody mess of another Calvary
that the Church at home may live again.
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