Sunday, July 1, 2012

Greetings from Deputy Lelanda Lee

I’m Deputy Lelanda Lee and co-chair with the Rev. Andrew Cooley of the Diocese of Colorado deputation to the 77th General Convention of The Episcopal Church. Thank you for the opportunity to serve our diocese.

I am humbled to be among the gifted members of our deputation. They teach me a lot through their ministry and our conversation. Be sure to see the profiles on the page titled “Meet the deputies.” At this General Convention, we have a full contingent of four Lay Deputies and four Clergy Deputies, but only two Lay Alternates and one Clergy Alternate. We have long-time deputies like Andrew and new deputies like the Rev. Ruth Woodliff-Stanley, who served as chaplain to Colorado’s last two deputations.

If, as you follow General Convention, you develop a desire to stand for election as a deputy in the next triennium, please contact us to learn more. Participation in Convention is a way to connect to the wider church and issues of concern to Christians everywhere.

We are also fortunate to serve with Bishop Rob O’Neill, who has fostered a diocesan ethos of respectful communication and focus on mission. Rob serves in the House of Bishops, which meets concurrently with the House of Deputies.

We gather in Indianapolis for deputy and bishop orientation on July 4, with the first legislative day on July 5. The deputation will hold almost daily caucus meetings at breakfast or lunch, and anyone from Colorado is invited to come sit in the gallery to observe. Coloradoans will be serving at Convention in Credentials, Worship, the Exhibition Hall, etc. There are also eight Daughters of the King and four Episcopal Church Women members who will be in Indianapolis attending their concurrent triennials.

I intend to blog here regularly to share photos and some of the “color” of what happens at General Convention. I will post opinion pieces to my own blog “what a cup of tea” about legislation and other topics.

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