Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Chaos of Uncalculating Love

A prayer by L. Zoe Cole for the Colorado Deputation, July 5

Each day, the Colorado deputation gathers for prayer and discussion. One of the deputies serves as chaplain for the day and offers a reflection. We will post them each day.

We are living in a changing day, Lord;
all the old rules and regulations for living
are slithering to the ground.
And You lived in a changing day, Lord:
all the old rules and regulations of the scribes and Pharisees
were slithering to the ground.
But it was Your custom to go to the temple:
to the noisome temple
sometime to the scandalized temple
listening to the mumbo jumbo,
but it was Your custom to go
till the new temple of Your body was available for men.

Give us your grace in our changing day
To stand by the temple that is the present church.
The noisome temple
the sometime scandalized temple
that is the present church,
listening sometime to what again seems mumbo jumbo.
Make it our custom to go
till the new outline of Your Body for our day
becomes visible in our midst.

In the temple You healed, Lord Christ:
despite the noise and scandal, You healed.
And we are Your body even today.
You have no hands but our hands
no feet but our feet
ours are the eyes with which You look out
compassionate on the world.

You have ordained that You just dont come
except through us.
Give us faith in great healings
despite the noise and scandal of our modern dimness.
Your grace and power are such:
none can ever ask too much.
Heal again, even through us,
for so You have ordained:
till the new outline of Your body
becomes visible in our midst.

In the temple You threw out the money changers, Lord Christ:
down the steps and out of the door
 and into the vacant aisles came the children
shouting for joy and dancing round.
Too often we are the money changers:
giving short change in spiritual things
to many who seek the true coin:
making the Church an institute
when you want it to be a chaos of uncalculating love.
Drive out from out hearts
our calculated offerings,
our easy responses,
and let child-like faith
flood into us again.
Grant us such abandon, of Your grace alone,
that we too shall be made strong
to go outside the city wall
outside holiness
and die in the bloody mess of another Calvary
that the Church at home may live again.

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