Sunday, July 8, 2012

GC: July 6th & 7th

Hello, Everyone! Here are some quick photos with captions from General Convention (GC). When there's some time, I'll post some more commentary here. Meanwhile, you can also catch me at my personal blog at where I have posted "Early Impressions" of GC!

The decoration on top of our deputation's name post
- ski goggles and pole - was provided by
Co-Chair Andrew Cooley and
reflects his and Colorado's fondness
for the sport of skiing. 
Deputy Brooks Keith's sense of humor and whimsy show up
in the super hero (and villain?) figures decorating his spot.
Lelanda Lee took this photo from the Alternates Gallery to the
left of the deputation's two tables. Alternate Erica Hein sat in
for Lelanda, who attended the Episcopal Church Women's
Triennial in the Westin Hotel to receive the Distinguished Woman
Award for the Diocese of Colorado.
Microphone #5 is right next to the Colorado Deputation's seats.
A page is walking up to the mic volunteer, and the alternates'
gallery is to our right, behind those blue dividers.
Lelanda Lee, flanked by Colorado ECW President Robin Woods Sumners
and UTO Chair Nel Benton-Hough. Lelanda was the Colorado recipient 

of the 2012 Distinguished Woman of the Year award.
Photo by Beckett Stokes.
Deputy Zoe Cole is at Microphone #5 testifying to a piece of
legislation. The timer shows how much of her 3 minutes is left.
Colorado's deputies are active as testifiers, because we serve
on legislative committees, or follow them, and are keeping ourselves
and each other informed through daily oral reports at caucus meetings.
The only way we can see what is happening at the podium or
microphones is on camera on two large screens up front.
Caucus meetings alternate between 6:30 AM breakfasts and
mid-day lunches. Staff and other Colorado volunteers join us.
A view of the other side of the breakfast room.
At the evening legislative hearing on the proposed Anglican
Covenant, at which Lelanda Lee testified to Resolution D007 that
she endorsed. (L to R) Jack Finlaw, volunteer Kim Seidman,
Christy Shain-Hendricks, Ruth Woodliff-Stanley, and Erica Hein.

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